Prof. Avv. Francesco Forzati

Areas of activity:


  • criminal law
  • environmental criminal law
  • economic criminal law
  • criminal tax law
  • criminal labor law
  • industrial criminal law
  • crimes against the Public Administration
  • lgs. 231/01

Work experiences

  • In 2005, co-founder and associate of the Forzati Law Firm.
  • In 2010, co-founder of the Forzati associated tax firm.
  • Partner and founder of Efgm Legal / Consulting.

Training and experience

  • Freelance journalist since 11 November 1992;
  • Graduated in Law at the University of Naples “Federico II” with 110 cum laude;
  • From September 1994 to November 1995: study and research stay abroad at the Institute of Criminal Sciences of the University of Munich to deepen the theme of “Illicit financing of political parties” and danger offences;
  • September 1995 he won the “PhD in criminal law and procedure” (“criminal system trial” – X cycle) at the Faculty of Law of the University of Naples “Federico II”;
  • April 1997, he qualified as a lawyer;
  • March 1999 obtains a research grant in criminal law;
  • April 1999 he became a PhD in criminal law at the Faculty of Law of the University of Naples “Federico II”;
  • November 1999 obtains the “Specialization in criminal law and procedure” at the University of Naples “Federico II” with 50/50 cum laude;
  • From May to October 1999 he spent a study and research stay abroad at the Institute of Criminal Sciences of the University of Munich;
  • June 2001 wins the competition for Researcher in criminal law at the Faculty of Political Sciences of the “Federico II” University of Naples;
  • For the academic years 2000/01, 2001/02, 2002/03 he is contract professor of “Criminal Commercial Law” at the Faculty of Economics and Commerce of the University of Sannio (Benevento);
  • In February 2002 he obtained the suitability judgment as Associate Professor of criminal law;
  • In January 2004 he was called to the Faculty of Political Sciences of the “Federico II” the University of Naples as associate professor of “Criminal Law of the economy”;
  • From the 2007/08 academic year to 2017 he held the chair of “Institutions of criminal law and procedure”, Department of Political Science, “Federico II” University of Naples;
  • From the 2017 academic year to today he has held the chair of “European and International Criminal Law” – Department of Law – “Federico II” University of Naples;
  • Since 2002 he has been a lecturer at the School of Specialization for the Legal Professions.



  • 1996, Italian review of criminal law and procedure (issue 2-3), the essay: “Facts of illegal financing of political parties: dogmatic and criminal policy perspectives”;
  • 1997, Criminal Index, the article: “Illegal party financing and last resort: the way of no return to Tangentopoli”;
  • 1998, on Legality and Justice (n.1-2), the essay: “State of parties and illegal financing of politics: the lines of a possible inter-ordinal reform”;
  • 1998, for the series of the Institute of Law and Criminal Procedure of the University of Naples “Federico II”, publisher Jovene, the monograph: “Illicit financing of political parties: protection techniques and reform needs”;
  • 1999 on Legality and justice (n.1-2), the essay: “The criminal protection of the right to health, between technological evolution and new models of responsibility: reflections on the margins of the recent debate on electrosmog”;
  • 1999 doctoral thesis, “The systematic lines of a study on the anticipation of criminal protection” and specialization thesis: “The crime of money laundering: comparative law and criminal policy profiles”;
  • 2000, in Proceedings of the V National Congress of Italian Criminal Law: “Corruption and extortion: a reform that cannot be postponed”, the article: “Corruption, extortion and illegal financing of parties: problems of convergence and regulatory interference”;
  • 2002, Introduction to the appendix, in AA.VV., Right to life and death penalty, in Quaderno n.1 2002, of the “Ape ingenious” (Journal of the Department of State Sciences, Federico II University of Naples);
  • 2007, monograph (provisional version): “Crimes of danger and protection of collective security: reflections on the margins of terrorism”, (pp. 300);
  • 2007, in the “Treaty on Public Order”, by Prof. Sergio Moccia, ESI, the item: “Attack on public utility facilities”;
  • 2007 within the “Commentary on Safety at Work”, edited by Rusciano and Natullo, UTET, the essay: “Prevention in the workplace and criminal intervention models: legal assets and protection techniques”;
  • 2007 within the “Commentary on Safety in the Workplace”, edited by Rusciano and Natullo, UTET, the essay: “Obligations of the employer, the delegation of functions and company organization in the field of safety and delegation system “;
  • 2008, in “Environment and safety at work. What safeguards in view of the Consolidated Law? “, Proceedings of the Benevento Conference November 9, 2007, the article:” Criminal policy of occupational safety and management of technological risk: towards a differentiated criminal system?”;
  • 2008 in the journal of the Faculty of Political Sciences of the University “Federico II” of Naples, “The ingenious bee”, the article: “Criminal law of risk and precaution”;
  • 2011 within the volume “The end is the beginning. History and current affairs of the Faculty of Political Sciences of the Federico II the University of Naples “, Giappichelli publisher, the article:” Evolution of the criminal system and interdisciplinarity in the management of technological risk “;
  • 2013, in the volume “Writings in honour of Alfonso M. Stile”, the essay: “From concrete danger to technological risk between ontological asymmetries and new preventive models” (pp. 613-641) (Annex 1);
  • 2014, on Critique of Law no.4 (October-December), the article: “Permanent crime, deferred nature of the event and typing models of environmental crimes: interpretative evolution of the unnamed disaster and new environmental disaster” (pp. 362-382);
  • 2015, on Contemporary Criminal Law, the essay: “Criminal irrelevance of the environmental disaster, derogation regime of rights and emergency legislation: the Eternit, Ilva and Waste Emergency cases in Campania. The state of exception beyond the rule of law “(pp. 1-49);
  • 2016, on Criminal Index n.2, the essay: “The pre-modern penal system between the pluralism of negotiated justice and the monism of hegemonic jurisdiction. Concentration of coercive power and protectio secundum imperium “(pp. 635-674);
  • 2017, in the Criminal Archives, the essay: “The criminal law of obedience between the ethical-religious foundation of the offence and the potestative function of the sentence”.

Foreign languages

  • English
  • German