Lawyer Francesco Gargano

He carries out professional activity in criminal matters mainly in the judicial field. Specifically, he deals with all the crimes provided for by our legal system, in particular:


  • Juvenile criminal law;
  • Military offences;
  • Environmental and urban planning crimes;
  • Crimes against the person;
  • Crimes against the property;
  • Crimes against the public administration and the administration of justice;
  • Sexual Offenses;
  • Associative offences;
  • Drug Offenses;
  • Corporate offenses;
  • Bankruptcy Offences;
  • Privacy Offenses;


Work experiences

The professional profile and the consequent successes in the judicial field have been the subject of various articles in the national and regional press, in particular two articles appearing in the newspaper of “Il Sole 24 ore” of 22 November 2017 n.316 and of monthly “IL Magazine – Il Sole 24 ORE” of 22 February 2019.

He assiduously works as a freelance professional and legal consultant, also an expert in construction and urban planning. He practices forensic activity on a daily basis by regularly attending the Courts and Courts of Appeal located throughout the country, also as a legal consultant for companies (the Travelmar Spa, Sole 365 is mentioned as an example), as well as well-known tourist and hotel facilities on the Sorrento and Amalfi Coast.

He is currently involved in a trial for aggravated murder in the third section of the Naples Court of Assizes.

He was a member of the Audit and Control Commission on investee companies of the Province of Salerno, participated as a member of the Commission, in the qualifying exams of Naples lawyers in the years 2015/16.

Attorney before the Higher Courts since 2014.

Has a law firm also in Salerno and Amalfi.

Partner and founder of EFGM.

Training and academic experiences

  • In 1997 he graduated with honours in Law at the University of Salerno, he has been practising forensics since July 1997, at the criminal law firm of Naples of the lawyer Arturo Frojo, gaining solid experience in the field of criminal law in the broadest sense and in the specific one of juvenile criminal law. The professional and associative collaboration lasted until 2011.
  • In the year 2000, he joined the Naples Bar Association, having obtained the qualification.
  • He took part as the first collaborator of the lawyer Arturo Frojo and in the quality of co-defender of the same from 1997 to 2011, to the most important processes of the so-called “tangentopoli” Neapolitan and national.

Foreign languages

  • english